Emily Davey


Matter., London Bridge


Southampton Boat Show Exhibition Stand

In the second half of the week that I had been with Matter, I was given a current client brief from Fairline Yachts of which Matter were working on at the time. Fairline had asked them to design the exterior and interior of both floors of an exhibition stand at the annual Southampton Boat Show to promote the launch of a newly designed luxury yacht.

I worked alongside Matter’s interior architect developing the layout for the downstairs of the exhibit-able structure. I made the initial sketches of what we hoped to include from the ideas that we had produced. Fairline wanted the downstairs to be a ‘customisation’ area where potential buyers could personalise their yacht. The upstairs was a bar where customers and Fairline members could meet. There was a real focus on the sound and the lighting as well as the materials that needed to be included.

Initial Interior Layout Ideas.

Developing Layouts.

Floor Plans and Elevations.

Our ideas were then presented later in a client meeting that I was present for, in The Shard in London. This gave me true insight into what working with a client was really like and it was useful to develop ideas with both colleagues and clients at the same time.

Consumer Research

Consumer research was essential with this project in order to establish what Fairline’s categories of materials looked like. By conducting this research I found out a lot about the company that would be beneficial in the designs such as the necessities that Fairline try and cooperate in every build.

Our Final Layout

Our final design was displayed in an octagon so that all five categories could be observed clearly at the same time. I think that our final layout is effective as it meets the client brief of being a customisation area for potential consumers to get a feel into what materials they could have in their yacht.